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When it comes to maintaining the comfort and safety of your home in Morris County, one aspect that's often overlooked until it becomes a problem is pest control. From tiny ants marching on your kitchen counter to the unsettling sight of a mouse darting across the floor, pests can disrupt our peace of mind and even pose health risks. For residents of Morris County, finding the best pest control services is essential. Let's explore what to look for and why local expertise matters.

Why You Need Pest Control in Morris County

Morris County includes diverse landscapes from bustling towns to serene lakes and forests which, unfortunately, makes it a haven for various types of pests. The change of seasons can drive these creatures to seek shelter in homes, making professional pest control not just a luxury but a necessity.

Health Concerns: Pests can carry diseases. Rodents, ticks, and mosquitoes, for instance, are known vectors of illnesses that can affect humans.

Property Damage: Termites and carpenter ants can compromise the structural integrity of your home, leading to costly repairs.

Peace of Mind: Simply put, nobody wants to share their home with uninvited critters. A pest-free home is a peaceful home.

Qualities of the Best Pest Control Services

Local Expertise: A company that understands the specific challenges of Morris County will be better equipped to address them. Local expertise ensures that the treatments are tailored to the pests most common in the area.

Safety First: The best services prioritize the health and safety of your family and pets. They should use environmentally friendly methods and products, ensuring that while pests are eradicated, your loved ones remain safe.

Comprehensive Services: Whether it's rodents, insects, or any other pest, the company should offer a wide range of services to address all potential problems.

Proactive and Preventative Measures: Beyond just treating existing infestations, the best companies offer solutions to prevent future invasions, educating homeowners on best practices.

Transparent Communication: A top-tier pest control service will communicate transparently about their processes, prices, and what you can expect post-treatment.

Why Choose a Locally Owned and Operated Service?

There's a unique advantage to choosing a local service provider:

Rapid Response: Local companies can often respond more quickly to service requests, ensuring that pest problems are addressed promptly.

Personalized Service: Local businesses thrive on community relationships. You're not just a number but a neighbor. This often translates to more personalized service.

Community Investment: By supporting local businesses, you're investing back into the community, fostering local employment, and ensuring that money stays within the county.

For Morris County residents, pests can be more than just a minor annoyance. They can pose real challenges and concerns. However, with the right pest control service, these challenges can be effectively and safely addressed. When choosing a service provider, remember to prioritize local expertise, a comprehensive range of services, and a commitment to safety. By doing so, you'll not only reclaim your home from unwelcome visitors but also enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're in expert hands.

One of the popular ways to eliminate pests is to use pesticides or poison. However, these products contain chemicals that can be dangerous to the environment. Improper usage of toxic products can also lead to unwanted accidents. Because of this, it’s better to look for more eco-friendly pest control instead. 

So what are the different options for eco-friendly control? If you’re looking for more eco-friendly pest control, here are some options you can choose from:

  1. Insectary plants
  2. Cleaning the garden
  3. Removing pest resources
  4. Using household items
  5. Diatomaceous Earth
  6. Recruiting pets

Eco-Friendly Pest Control Options 

You may want to consider using eco-friendly pest control rather than pesticides for a few reasons: 

Instead of spraying pesticides or placing poison around your property, here are some options to naturally eliminate pests:

1. Insectary Plants

Pests are a huge problem for people with gardens or farms since they can damage the crops or eat your harvest. A great way to deter the animals is to plant insectary plants. Insectary plants help increase the population of the pests’ natural enemies which helps control the pest population while attracting insects that are beneficial for your plants.  

Before choosing what kind of insectary plants to grow, you may first want to consider and identify what kind of pests you’re targeting, the beneficial insects you want to attract, and the conditions in which the insectary plants will grow. Some examples of insectary plants are coriander, cumin, celery, parsley, yarrow, and marigold. 

2. Cleaning the Garden

Any plant debris like dead leaves in the garden offers pests with great hiding places and shelter. Set a regular schedule of clearing your garden from any dead leaves or debris that serves as a shelter or hiding place for pests. It’s also best to turn the soil between plantings to expose the pests to the elements. 

Tall shrubs and long tree limbs also provide a way for pests to enter your home. To prevent this from happening, regularly trim anything that. Another factor that attracts pests is fruit or vegetables that are left out. Some pests like ants, cockroaches, and rats eat almost any kind of food and can feed on these plants. Because of this, you should harvest any fruit or vegetables as soon as possible. 

3. Removing Pest Resources

Pests are attracted to anything that provides them with the things they need to live, which is usually food and water. If you make these resources accessible to them, then there’s a higher chance that they will find shelter in your place and continue to breed. This makes it important to remove any food, water, or anything that makes your place a great habitat. 

To naturally repel pests and prevent them from going through your food, transfer the food in airtight containers or glass jars. You should also check for any bowls or glasses of water that and empty them. Additionally, any stagnant bodies of water need to be cleaned or emptied regularly. Aside from food and water, clutter, waste, and garbage also invite pests to your property so regularly inspection and cleaning of any unkempt areas is important to prevent attracting pests. 

 4. Using Household Items

Another cheap and easy eco-friendly method to control pests is to use household items. This doesn’t require

Kitchen IngredientWhy It WorksHow To Use ItPests It Deters
SeasoningSeasonings like cayenne pepper, turmeric, and cinnamon all have a strong scent that pests don’t like. Sprinkle some of the seasonings in areas where you see the pestsInsects, bugs, and rodents
VinegarVinegar gives off a strong scent that deters ants. Other insects are attracted to its smell, but you can mix vinegar with dish soap to trap the pests. Mix 1 part vinegar, 3 parts water, and few drops of mild dish soap and spray the solution on vines and vegetablesAnts, spiders, caterpillars, and stink bugs
SaltSalt dehydrates some pests which instantly kills them, while some pests simply avoid salt.Place some salt on the pest or sprinkle some salt in their locationSnails, slugs, roaches, fleas, and frogs
Citrus PeelsCitrus peels contain limonene and linalool which pests are known to avoid.Slice the citrus peels and leave them in areas where the pests are locatedFleas, mosquitos, fire ants, and flies
Ground CoffeeGround coffee also has a strong scent which pests find irritating. Place the ground coffee in window sills or in places where the pests areMosquitos, fruit flies, wasps, bees, and beetles

5. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a powdery substance classified as a pesticide under the Pest Control Act, but it’s non-toxic and eco-friendly. It’s used to deter pests such as bed bugs, silverfish, roaches, flies, black and red ants, and more. To use diatomaceous earth for pest control, simply sprinkle it in areas where the pests are located.  

6. Recruiting Pets

Recruiting pets are also an excellent method in keeping pests away since these it’s already in these animals’ nature to hunt down or kill pests. The following animals are some of the pets you can keep in your home to control pest populations:

Pest Control at PermaKill Exterminating

Because of its advantages, eco-friendly pest control becomes a better way of eliminating pests. Here at PermaKill Exterminating, we provide pest control services that don’t harm you, your pets, or the environment. Our team uses Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to use smart and scientifically designed solutions to control pest populations. 

We have a team of experts who are highly skilled in eliminating pests, and we’re here to answer any questions you may have about our services. To know more about PermaKill Exterminating and the services we provide, you may call us today. 

Learn more: What Animal Causes A Scratching Noise in the Attic

When renting out a place to live, it can be tricky to determine who is responsible for pest control in the event of an infestation. There are a lot of questions surrounding who handles pest control when rodents, cockroaches, bed bugs, termites, or wasps start to show up at your place.  

So in the event of an infestation, who is responsible for pest control: the tenant or the landlord? The person responsible for this varies from state to state, so it’s important to understand your local laws and policies first. Additionally, there are other factors that determine who’s responsible for pest control, such as the duration of the pest control issue and whether negligence can be proved on either side. 

Landlord Pest Control Laws in Different States

In the United States, each state has its own laws when it comes to pest control. So when you’re faced with an infestation, here are some laws to help you determine who is responsible for this kind of issue:

1. Landlord’s Responsibility on Pest Control  

Generally, most states require that landlords keep their rental units free from any “pests” (the term used differs in each state). Not all states hold the landlord accountable for the issue, though. 

For example, in Georgia the landlord has no responsibility unless pest control is included in the rental agreement. Other states like Virginia only require landlords to apply pesticides and insecticides in the unit. If insects are found after the application, the tenant may be responsible for pest control. 

In New Jersey, landlords are responsible for keeping multi-family units free from pest infestations. The same goes for New York wherein landlords have to make sure that they keep multi-family rental properties rat-proof. 

2. Tenant’s Options When Landlord Fails to Address Pest Control

Additionally, if landlords fail to address the issue then the tenant has different options depending on the state. Some states allow tenants to call pest control services themselves and then deduct the repair cost from their rent. However, most states have a limit on how much you can deduct from the rent you pay. 

Others also allow you to withhold rent, but this can be tricky since landlords can evict tenants if they don’t pay rent. If this is the case for you, then it’s best to seek legal counsel before pursuing this solution. 

Some states provide multiple solutions when the landlord doesn’t act on a pest infestation, but others only allow one solution. Examples of these states are Alaska, Connecticut, and South Carolina, where tenants are left with no choice but to move out or terminate lease if the landlord fails to act on pest problems.

New Jersey allows tenants to withhold rent, terminate their lease, contact an inspector, and repair and deduct the cost from their rent. In New York, tenants can either repair and deduct the cost from rent or pursue legal action. 

When Are Landlords Responsible for Pest Control?

If your state of residence doesn’t provide concrete descriptions on who bears responsibility for a pest infestation, then there are other factors you may consider. Here are some cases wherein landlords are responsible for pest control: 

1. Due to Natural Causes

Landlords are usually responsible for pest control when the infestation is due to natural causes. They are required to maintain the rental property in livable condition which means it is their responsibility if the home is susceptible to pests due to its location. Structures and places near a rental property that can cause infestations should be taken into consideration. 

For example, apartment buildings beside or near grassy areas can be prone to rat or mice infestations. When this is the case, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to make sure that no rodents can enter and cause damage to the building. 

2. Pest Problem Has Existed Before Tenancy

One way to determine who bears responsibility for pest control is to find out whether the problem has existed before tenancy. If this is the case, then the landlords are usually responsible for pest control since they should ensure that the unit is free from pests when someone moves in. 

It is recommended for tenants to inform the landlord right away for any infestation they find upon moving in. At the beginning of the lease, tenants should list down the issues that they discover and are recommended to also provide photos. They should give landlords ample time to address the issue, and it is best if they raise this issue as soon as possible.   

3. Landlord Doesn’t Provide Clean, Pest-Free Spaces

Landlords have responsibilities when it comes to maintaining the pest-free condition of a rental. To guarantee clean, pest-free spaces for their tenants, they are in charge of the following: 

When Are Tenants Responsible for Pest Control?

Most of the time, it's the landlord’s duty to make sure that their rental units are pest-free. But when there’s proof that the infestations are not their fault, they can hold tenants accountable. These are the cases where tenants can be held responsible for pest control: 

1. Tenant has poor housekeeping

If a tenant’s poor cleanliness and housekeeping is the reason for an infestation, then they are responsible for pest control. A tenant’s failure to comply with sanitary conditions can also hold them accountable for the issue. Here are some poor housekeeping habits that can make pests live and breed in certain areas:  

2. Landlord Can Prove That the Tenant Is Responsible

When a landlord can prove that a tenant is responsible for an infestation through proper documentation, then the tenant will be held accountable. Some situations that would make a tenant responsible for an infestation include: 

Other Ways to Determine Who is Responsible for Pest Control

Regardless of the situation, there are times when it’s never easy to determine who exactly is responsible for pest control. Here are other ways to see who should cover the cost: 

1. Checking the Lease Agreement

The lease agreement or contract almost always states who is responsible in an event of a pest infestation. It states what kind of infestations are covered by the landlord and the tenant. Creating a lease the lists down the different pests that each party is responsible for is helpful for any issues that may arise. The contract must also comply with the laws of the state, so it means that landlords are responsible for providing habitable spaces. 

2. Looking at the Type of Pest Infestation 

The type of pest present in the rental property can also determine who is responsible for pest control. A state has varying laws on who’s responsible for an infestation depending on the type of pest present in a property. 

Bed bugs are a great example of determining who is responsible based on the type of infestation. Generally, if bed bugs were not present in the property before the tenant moved in, then the tenant is responsible for the issue. But if the property has a history with bed bugs, then the landlord needs to handle it. 

These pests are also a huge problem, so there are different laws regarding bed bug infestations and they vary per state. In New Hampshire, they can withhold rent until the problem is treated. Maine and Connecticut allow the landlord a number of days to solve the issue or pay the tenant $250 or actual damages, whichever is greater. 

For New Jersey, it is the landlord’s responsibility to provide tenants with clean, habitable living spaces unless they can prove that the issue is the tenant’s fault ( Since it’s difficult to determine who causes bed bugs, it usually becomes the landlord’s responsibility. However, there is more to this law: 

How to Deal With a Pest Infestation

Permakill Exterminating staff

There are several ways you can deal with a pest infestation, and it’s best to inform your landlord of any infestations that occur in the property. If you want to do some precautionary measures on your own, here are some methods you can try out:

Professional Pest Control at PermaKill Exterminating

Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant, you need to deal with your pest infestation as soon as possible, and the best way to do that is with professional pest control services. Here at PermaKill Exterminating, we have a team of technicians, analysts, and experts that will help you manage pests from start to finish. 

Our team is equipped with the best training and technology to help offer customized solutions to your problems. PermaKill Exterminating guarantees excellent services that provide peaceful, secure, and pest-free spaces. You may call us to know more about our services. 

Learn more:

With the holidays just around the corner, rats and mice are scrambling to find refuge in the cold winter. That’s why rodent infestations increase around this time of the year – and if you’re unlucky, they might decide that your house is the perfect place to set up nests.

So what will repel mice and rats away from your home? Simple solutions like keeping a cat, sealing the food, using peppermint oil, blocking entry points, and cleaning the place can keep mice away from the home. Home remedies like essential oils, apple cider vinegar, ammonia, steel wool, and fabric softener can also help in repelling mice at home.

How to Keep Your House Rodent-Free

Protecting the home is a lot easier than trying to get rid of mice. Rodents will continue to thrive if they are provided with favorable living conditions. Luckily, there are a few simple steps to take that will keep mice away:

Keep a Cat at Home

An active cat who loves to hunt is one of the best natural rodent controls you can hope for. Just make sure that the pet is not too domesticated to get rid of mice. One way to keep the cat motivated to hunt is to limit the pet food given to them before you want them to hunt.

Seal Pet Food and Bird Feeders

As much as pets are helpful in repelling mice, pet food is also a good target for rodents. Seeds, ground grains, and dry pet food are some of the rodent’s favorite treats so leaving them exposed is an open invitation to these pests. Keep the pet food sealed in thick containers and bird feeders as far away from the home as possible.

Use Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is known to repel pests like mice and rats because of their strong menthol smell. What’s great about this essential oil is that it is also available online and in most grocery stores. One way to use it is by putting three to five drops on a cotton ball and leaving it in areas where rats and mice pass through. It can also be diluted and sprayed around the home to repel mice.

Block Entry Points

There is no better way to keep mice away than blocking their entrance to your home. Inspect all the walls inside the home to look for gaps and openings that mice can use as an entry point. Block all these cracks using masonry materials. Steel wool can also be used to cover the openings since rats and mice can’t chew through this material.

Clean the Place Frequently

Leftovers, crumbs, and scraps in the kitchen can invite mice into a home. That’s why it’s important to clean the mess as soon as it’s spotted. You should also clean the area surrounding the house including the lawn or yard. The tall grasses and overgrown vegetation can be a hiding spot for these pests.

What Attracts Mice and Rats in Your Home

Mice and rats have similar base needs as humans. By leaving your home open and making these available for them, mice will take the opportunity to be comfortable inside the house. Although they usually keep themselves hidden and only need little food and water for sustenance, rodents can still damage the home’s interior by gnawing through wood and wires.

Here are four ways you are unknowingly inviting rodents into the home:


When the temperature starts dropping during the fall and winter months, mice will begin seeking shelter. If they see wall openings, they will take that as an invitation and get inside the property.

It’s normal to find a nesting spot for mice or rats around water heaters because they provide a source of heat. These areas are also hidden from people’s sight, making it an ideal place for rodents to burrow.


Commercial properties that have a constant supply of food and leftovers like restaurants, homes, and groceries are also a good target for rodents. This is because they can’t resist the food open for the taking.

Although they are omnivores, mice prefer eating foods that have high carbohydrate content. They also don’t need to consume much to survive since they only need an ounce of food and water to get through the day. Aside from grains, fruits, and seeds, mice will also chew on paper and electrical wiring.


Cluttered areas are good places for a mouse or rat to set up a nest. Since clutter will provide them with warmth and a hiding place, mice are attracted to these areas. Clean up the clutter before it builds up and invites more vermin.

Mice could build their nests in attics, garages, small storage spaces, and trash rooms because these areas can be great sources of food. Stacked boxes in storage rooms also create nesting opportunities for these furry pests.


Keeping wall gaps unsealed is basically telling the rodents to come inside the home for some food and shelter. If you don’t want them to get comfortable inside, then don’t give them an entry point in the first place. Inspect the home carefully and patch up all foundation, fill any holes, and seal up all the wall cracks to keep these rodents away.

Home Remedies to Keep Rodents Away

Some chemical repellents are also harmful to humans and pets as they are to mice; in the U.S. alone, 7802 unintentional rodenticide poisonings were recorded in 2018.  That’s why more homeowners are turning to natural mice repellents. Although home remedies won’t get rid of a severe infestation, they can certainly help keep mice away from your home.

What’s great about these methods is that they’re effective, non-toxic, and a more humane way to repel mice. Here are some of the most effective ways to keep them away naturally:

Expert IPM By Permakill Exterminating

One or two mice inside the home isn’t a big deal but these pests breed rapidly. There’s a chance that they’ve already formed a colony by the time you see them.

Whether the infestation is just starting or it’s already quite severe, it’s never too late to call for mice extermination services to get rid of these pests. For safe and smart solutions to your mouse problems, contact Permakill Exterminating now. We provide tools and techniques to get rid of mice and keep them away for good.

Read more: What's the Best Home Remedy to Get Rid of Rats? 

When pests like rats invade your home, it can be hard to get rid of them. Worse, rats pose an inherent risk to the health and safety of your family. Rats are known to transmit diseases, contaminate food, and gnaw through objects inside your house such as electrical wires. If you have spotted rat droppings or heard critters scurrying around, then it’s time to take care of your rat infestation problem

So what are the best home remedies to get rid of rats and mice? Many blogs on the internet swear on natural remedies such as peppermint oil, hot pepper flakes, and other alternatives. However, the results of these methods are not consistently effective. The most effective home remedies to get rid of rats are actually a combination of methods: sanitation, inspection, exclusion, baiting, and trapping. 

The Best Home Remedies To Get Rid of Rats

If you’re planning to get rid of rats by yourself, the home remedies you need are a combination of techniques. Keeping your house clean, figuring out where the rats are hiding, sealing off possible entrances, and learning how to bait and trap rodents are the steps you need to follow in order to protect your home. 


Rats love mess. They like nothing more than to find tight spaces and hidey holes to camp out and eat food in. The smartest thing to do is to keep your house free of clutter and to keep your food locked up in sealed containers, rather than bags or sacks. Your garbage can lids should be tightly closed as well. 

If you have pets, avoid leaving their half-full food and water bowls out at night. Rats can supply most of their water needs from moisty food, but it’s still safer to hide possible water sources from them. 

Rodents, mice and other pests appreciate the crumbs you leave behind and make nests out of your clutter. When your house is free of these, rats will find other places to live. They are also naturally suspicious, so they will steer clear if they notice changes in your environment.


Once you’ve cleaned up, it’s time to track down where the rats are living in your home. Mice and rats are nocturnal animals so they’re mostly active at night. Even though they won’t be caught during the day, you can spot signs of their presence including their droppings, noises in the dark, nests in hidden areas, evidence of gnawed wires or wood, burrows around the yard, and smudge marks along the walls of your house. Identifying their location allows you to set up traps and bait easily. 


House mice and rats can fit through the cracks in your wall. One of the easiest preventative measures (and cure) for this problem is to seal off all visible cracks and crevices. You can also check drainage points as rats tend to climb into bathrooms and laundry rooms from the sewers. When you seal off these entrances, you prevent them from entering your home. Keep in mind that rats tend to be easier than mice to keep out, as rats are much larger and won’t be able to fit in as many spaces.


Baits for rats and mice can either be baits used in traps or those that can poison rats without trapping them. For rat traps, you can use bait like peanut butter, fruits, vegetables, cereals, or meat and place the traps near rat holes. Note that it may take some time before the rats approach the bait. 

You can also set up bait stations that rats can enter and consume rodenticide. These bait stations are ideal as they protect the bait from being accidentally ingested by young children or pets. One of the most popular lures for rats is a mixture of cocoa powder and plaster of paris. 

The smell of chocolate powder attracts rats, prompting them to eat the plaster of paris with cocoa powder. The plaster of paris will poison them as it combines with the water and fluids in their body, hardening their gastrointestinal tracts. 


If the rat population inside your house is small enough, trapping can yield quick results. It also provides an alternative to people who don’t want to place rodenticides or if you prefer to dispose of dead rats immediately. Place traps where rat signs have been sighted and other out-of-the way areas. Some traps to consider include:

Debunking Myths About Natural Rat Remedies

There are a lot of DIY home remedies to get rid of rats floating around the internet that claim to work - and they do, but not frequently. You might be wasting time trying out natural deterrents while the rats and mice are busy multiplying. Even if you do manage to hold them back, it may not be a permanent solution that prevents them from reentering your home. That leaves us the question: which of the DIY home remedies can we do without? 

Checklist: How To Protect Your Home From Rodents 

Tired of waging war against tiny pests or nervous that they might make an appearance at your house soon? Prevention is always better than the cure, so take these steps to keep your home rodent-free: 

PermaKill Exterminating - The Safest Pest Control Service In NJ 

You can’t rely on home remedies to get rid of pests. When the infestation is severe, it’s always better to call in the pros. 

PermaKill Exterminating has been serving New Jersey since 1984. We specialize in providing safe, scientifically proven treatments against pests to meet your specific requirements. Our licensed technicians are trained in all the latest technologies and techniques so they can serve you better. Schedule a home inspection with us today.

Learn more: Do Electronic Rodent Repellents Really Work?

Finding a mouse or two at home is stressful because of the damage and diseases they bring. Most homeowners take matters into their own hands by buying over-the-counter rodenticides. But sometimes this might not be enough to put a dent in the mouse population in the home.

So is it actually necessary to call an exterminator for your mice problem? It would be better to call a pest control service to get rid of the rat problem at home. Since they are equipped with the right skills and tools to solve the rat infestation, they can help you save money in the long run, avoid health hazards and damages, and focus more on prevention.

Are Mice Extermination Services Worth Your Money?

What makes our homes comfortable is also what makes them attractive to pests. But no one wants to share their house with mice and rats that bring diseases and damages. That’s why people do everything that they can to eliminate these pesky intruders; sometimes even enlisting the help of pest control companies if the infestation is too much for them to handle.

According to a study in 2015, 68% of the pest control management revenue came from residential services. This means that more people trust professionals to solve their pest problems without causing further harm to the residents or the environment. Mice exterminators are skilled and equipped with the right tools to help eradicate the pests and keep them from coming back. 

How Do Exterminators Get Rid of Mice?

Mice exterminators study the behaviors and habits of mice. They use this knowledge to effectively get rid of mice using different traps, baits, and rodenticides. When hiring a mice exterminator for the home, you can expect them to do the following:

Inspecting the House

This is a crucial step for pest control because it helps them gauge the root cause and severity of the mice problem. During the house inspection, exterminators also find the possible entry points of mice and rats as well as the scale of damages caused by these pests.

Identifying the Mice’s Route

Since mice follow a familiar route when they look for food, the pest control team needs to identify these pathways for the effective elimination of mice. These routes are usually full of mouse droppings along its length. By following the mouse path, exterminators will decide the best place to set baits and traps.

Setting Traps

After studying the routes and behavior of mice at the infested home, exterminators will choose the best types of traps to set in strategic areas – away from children and pets. Depending on the infestation, they can use different mouse traps such as glue traps, live traps, and snap traps.

Some of the areas where these devices are placed include bathrooms, basements, and attics. They can also be set up along walls or quiet corners. Professionals can lure pests out of their nest using food they consume like grains, seeds, and even peanut butter.

Setting Bait Stations

Sometimes, traps are not enough to eliminate the rat infestation. That’s why some pest control companies also utilize bait stations. These stations contain poisoned food like peanut butter to lure mice out of hiding.

Although this method might seem to attract more pests, its effect on reducing the mouse infestation is impressive. Some companies even skip the traps and use this method alone in exterminating mice in the house.

Mouse-Proofing the House

After getting rid of the mice infestation, pest control services also mouse-proof the home. This method includes sealing all possible entrances and creating an environment that repels mice instead of attracting them. It will make sure that there are fewer chances of re-infestation at home.

Benefits of Calling Mice Extermination Professionals

Most homeowners believe that infestations can be solved using over-the-counter rodenticides. They think they can deal with the issues themselves, but they are wrong most of the time. Here are four reasons why hiring a professional exterminator is more effective than trying to get rid of the pests by yourself:

Mouse Problems? Contact Permakill Exterminating

If you find a single mouse lurking in the kitchen, there’s a good chance that a rodent nest is already built somewhere inside the home. Call Permakill Exterminating immediately to get rid of these pests before they cause further destruction.

With Permakill Exterminating’s smart and safe solutions, you can guarantee that no mouse will return to the home. We have all the tools and techniques needed to put an end to the mouse problem, so don’t hesitate to contact us now.

Learn more: What Will Keep Mice and Rats Away?

During fall and winter, mice and rats start to invade homes in search of warmth and food. But these uninvited guests bring diseases and destruction with them that’s why it’s better to prevent them from reaching your home in the first place. Some people do this by setting up ultrasonic pest repellents.

So do ultrasonic pest control repellers really work in keeping mice away? You will need to find other means of rodent-proofing the house because ultrasonic rodent repellents do not work. While these devices can reduce the appearance of mice and rats at first, these creatures will eventually grow accustomed to the noise.

Are Electronic Rodent Repellents Effective?

If you’re not in favor of using toxic pesticides to kill pests, an ultrasonic pest repellent seems like an ideal solution. This pest control device emits high-frequency sound waves that only pests like rodents and insects can hear. While the concept of high-frequency rodent repellents seems great, the extent of this device’s effectiveness is still debatable.

Since 2001, the Federal Trade Commission first advised the ultrasonic pest control repeller manufacturers to provide scientific evidence about their products. Between 1985 and 1997, six ultrasonic pest control repeller manufacturers have been sued by the FTC after making exaggerated claims about the devices.

In 1995, a study from the University of Nebraska explained that after a few days of being active in a home, these ultrasonic rodent repellent devices will start to lose its effects. Mice and rats will eventually get used to the sound and continue to cause damages at home.

The results of increasing patents for the pest repeller ultrasonic device over the years are inadequate because the ultrasonic rodent repellents available in the market are still ineffective in driving rodents away from the property. This is according to a study by the University of California’s College of Agriculture & Life Sciences in 2015.

How Do Electronic Rodent Repellents Work?

If you read the label on ultrasonic rodent repellents, you might have a good idea of how these devices work. Ultrasonic rodent repellent devices emit sound waves at a high frequency that humans can’t hear but rodents can. The high-frequency sound can drive pests crazy, causing insects to crawl away and rodents to run for cover.

To start using these ultrasonic rodent devices, simply plug it into the home’s electrical outlet. It then emits sounds that claim to be disruptive to pets. Some of the manufacturers claim that the pest repellers can even cause audiogenic seizure responses. This is characterized by wild running, convulsions, or catatonic state. By emitting a disruptive sound, rodents are forced to flee and cover. It will prevent them from breeding, communicating, gathering food, or building nests.

Manufacturers advise their customers to put the ultrasonic pest control devices in key areas where there are rodent sightings or signs of rodent activity are present. It could be droppings, gnaw marks, or footprints.

However, dozens of studies conducted by different universities and organizations prove that these ultrasonic devices don’t work or aren’t doing everything that they claim. The main reason for its ineffectiveness is the rodent’s excellent adaptive abilities and the principle of habituation.

Even though some of the store-bought pest repellent ultrasonic devices are effective in keeping the rodents at bay, there is a high chance that they will come back in a few days after getting used to the sound.

What Should I Do to Solve Rodent Infestation?

Rodents can set up their nests in different homes as long as there are gaps and crevices on the walls. Once there are rodent droppings, scratching noises at night, or food stolen from the plastic containers, keep these pests from causing more damage with the following tips:

Use Peppermint Oil

Peppermint smell is a good repellent for rodents because it’s unappealing for them. What’s great about using peppermint oil at home is that it’s harmless and chemical-free. It is also easily available online or in the organic section of grocery stores.

To use peppermint oil, mix it with water, and put the solution in a spray bottle. Spritz a good amount of the mixture in the corners of the house or around rodent entry points and burrows. Others also apply a few drops of the oil onto a cotton ball and leave it in affected areas.

While it is a good preventive measure, this oil is just a short-term solution and won’t be very effective in the long run. There’s no stopping the rodents from breeding and damaging your home once they reach it. To get rid of mice and rats for good, it’s better to call for an exterminator.

Humane Mouse Trap

These devices give homeowners the option to let the rodent live after catching it. The idea is that by seizing the live mouse in the house, residents can transport and release them safely somewhere far from home.

Mouse Repellent Spray

Similar to peppermint oils, mouse repellent sprays are meant to keep mice away by producing an unpleasant smell. But most of these products use different chemicals that can cause harm to humans if used improperly.

Mouse repellent sprays can only keep the rodents at bay for a short time. Once they have adapted and the odor no longer bothers them, they can start gnawing on the house’s foundation and stealing food from the kitchen.

Know When to Call Mice Exterminators

The best way to solve a rodent infestation at home is to leave it at the hands of the expert. Even when you manage to catch a mouse or two, there is a chance that more pests are hiding in the colony. Pest control management providers have the skill and equipment to remove these pesky creatures from a home.

Another reason to call pest control services is they can offer complete pest management techniques to help homeowners prevent rodent infestation from resurfacing.

Eliminate Rodents Permanently with Permakill Exterminating

Here at Permakill Exterminating, we put an end to our customer’s rodent problems with safe and smart solutions. We also provide a wide variety of tools and techniques to permanently remove mice and rats from your home. Give us a call now to get a free estimate.

Read more: Is it Worth Getting an Exterminator for Mice?

Many people believe that bed bugs become inactive during the winter, much like fleas or mosquitoes. While extreme cold can kill bed bugs and their eggs, warm homes can keep them alive even during the harshest winter.

Bed Bugs Are Year-Round Pests

Bed bugs can survive in temperatures between 0 ̊F and 117 ̊F. Even at 0 ̊F, it can take up to four days for bed bugs to die.

Because bed bugs can survive such a wide range of temperatures, they can infest homes during any season. Constant vigilance is key to preventing a bed bug infestation during any time of the year.

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

Bed bugs, as their name suggests, typically hide in beds. Mattresses, bedding, pillows, and even bed frames can become infested with these blood-sucking pests.

These parasitic insects are so small, they can fit onto the head of a pin. This can make finding them a challenge. Bed bugs can squeeze between baseboards, into electronic appliances, and the cushions and upholstery in your home.

Bed bugs are nocturnal, coming out to feed late at night. During the day, they tend to hide in dark, small spaces. Searching for live adult bed bugs beneath your mattress, reddish stains around your bedding or little black inky dots on your furniture or clothing can all help you to find the source of an infestation.

How Do Bed Bugs Find Their Way Into Homes?

There are several ways that bed bugs can find their way in your home. Some of the most common entry points include:

Purchasing a used mattress or bedding set can save you some money, but if you’re not careful, you could be inviting bed bugs into your home. Treating used furniture and bedding to high temperatures for an extended period can kill bed bugs before they take up residence in your home. Tossing your sheets and pillows into your dryer on high heat for an hour or so will kill nearly all adult bed bugs and their eggs.

Infested hotel rooms can also help bed bugs travel into your home. When traveling and staying in hotels, be sure to check beneath your hotel mattress for signs of bed bugs. These tiny creatures can sneak into your luggage or clothing and enter your home.

Those living in large apartment complexes may be at risk if their neighbors are suffering from bed bugs. Carpeting and ventilation provide excellent unseen pathways for bed bugs to travel between apartment units.

How Can You Avoid Bed Bugs in Winter?

Avoiding bed bugs in winter is easier than you may think! Though bed bugs can withstand extreme temperatures, there are also several proven methods for preventing an infestation and destroying live adults and their eggs.

The best thing that you can do to avoid a bed bug infestation during winter is to keep your home clean. Vacuuming your carpets and floors every day can help suck up any errant bed bugs seeking to make your home theirs.

Also, power outlet covers can be an affordable, simple option. Bed bugs often hide inside of power outlets, and blocking access to these is an excellent step to preventing them from becoming a problem.

Relatives often come to visit during the holiday season, and they may unknowingly bring bed bugs with them. Sometimes, despite your best prevention techniques and methods, bed bugs still find their way into your home.

To avoid a heavy infestation and the resulting itchy bite marks, it may be best to contact professional pest control technicians. Combination treatments are the most effective way to prevent and eliminate bed bug infestations, and professionals have access to a variety of equipment and pesticides.

If you're a resident of the northern New Jersey area and you need expert pest control services, don't hesitate to contact us today!

The holiday season is a time to rejoice and spend time with family. We all have that one relative we have to put up with, but you don't have to put up with pests this holiday season.

Christmas trees, wreaths, cut holly, and poinsettias may introduce pests into your home. There a few ways to avoid them. When selecting a Christmas Tree, make sure the tree is shaken before it is brought into the home. This will shake off any spiders, ants or other pests. Inspect trees for spider eggs sacs, gnawing on the trunk (presence of mice) and tiny ants. Tiny ants may be coming from the ground under the tree in the lot. Inspect wreaths, cut holly, and poinsettias for spiders and ants. With poinsettias check the soil for various insect pests. When shopping at an outside venue avoid any items that are stored by trash containers or dumpsters. Trash and dumpster areas are a hot spot for pests. We had a customer in Randolph, they found spiders in their tree. We went out shook the tree and washed it down with soap and water.

Inspect Decorations Carefully

Inspect stored items in boxes before unpacking. There could have mice droppings, fabric moths and pantry pests in them. Fabric pests can be in any natural fabric. These moths prefer wool. Pantry pests can be in dried flowers, popcorn, Beanie Babies or anything with seeds. Seeds are the favorite food of mice. If you find mouse droppings, you will need a mouse treatment before they spread throughout the home. If you find Fabric Moths or Pantry Pests disposing of those items is highly recommended. If the items are sentimental and you do not want to get rid of them, dry clean the fabric and freeze the items with seeds for one week. This will kill the pests and their eggs. Inspecting adjacent stored items is a good idea.

When storing items for next season make sure you use storage containers that have some type of locking mechanism. If your container does not have a locking mechanism use tape to seal the cracks and openings. Duct tape is better than masking tape. Boxes can problematic. They don't seal tight, can get wet and mice can chew through the box.

One year we had a customer in Chester who forgot to take down their wreath on the front door (They rarely use the front door). In the spring, birds made a nest in the wreath. They left the wreath up until the babies had left the nest. Once the birds left the bird mites that remained behind attacked the homeowner. We removed the nest and treated the area.

Enjoy the Holiday Season! We hope you don't get Holiday pests but if you do please contact us.

Preventive Pest Control will make life less stressful. No one likes to have ants on the kitchen counter, crickets in their basement or mice in the attic. Spiders, bees, wasps hornets and yellow jackets are also unwanted pests. Most people don't deal with these problems until they arrive. If you hire the best pest control company, like PermaKill Exterminating, we perform pest control treatments that take proactive measures before pests arrive.

One of the best reasons to use Preventative Pest Control is you don’t have to worry about it. Timing is important. Treating for various pest involves requires to apply pest treatments at the correct time of year. We all have busy lives and people forget. We at PermaKill will schedule these treatments at the appropriate time of year. We will schedule your treatment at a time that is convenient for you. We perform pest control treatments on Saturdays.

Applying scientifically designed pest control treatments to the exterior of homes and buildings is probably the most important step in preventing pests. The goal of perimeter treatments is to stop pests outside before they enter. We suggest this treatment each spring when insects are emerging. When mulch is applied to the exterior, new shrubs are planted or any type of perimeter disruption occurs. Pests like all creatures do not like change. So when you change the environment of the pests they will move. Most likely in your home or building. Exterior treatments work great for ants, spiders, crickets, beetles, earwigs, and many other pests. We recommend perimeter treatments to all homes and buildings.

We Offer Seasonal Treatments

We also offer winter rodent treatments. This involves the strategic placement of mouse bait stations and traps to establish a first line of defense. We perform this service in the fall and protect homes all winter long.

We also offer a Home Protection Plan. This is our premier pest program. We perform three scheduled pest prevention treatments per agreement. One of the great advantages of our Home Protection Plan is that if a pest problem occurs between services you just call and we come out and solve the problem at no charge. We service Morris, Hunterdon, Somerset, Sussex and Warren counties. We are in Basking Ridge, Long Valley, Randolph and adjacent towns every day. That means if you call its just a short trip to your home or business.

With the Home Protection Plan, we perform Spring, Summer, and Fall pest services. In the spring and summer, we treat the exterior, basement, and attic. In the fall we inspect and service all the rodent equipment.

Probably the best reason to use Preventative Pest Control Services is pest problems do not become a problem. They are remedied at each regular service.

If you have a pest problem please contact us via email or phone. We offer free inspections.

New Jersey Areas We Serve

Hunterdon County


Morris County

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New Jersey Areas We Serve

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